In my most recent post, I asked for prayers for Luis' three month scans. In August Luis' cancer was put into remission after enduring several weeks of chemotherapy. Luis has survived osteosarcoma not once, but twice, and with every relapse he has handled his situation with grace and ease. He has welcomed every trial with a smile knowing that he has the privilege to touch lives in a unique way. His attitude and faith throughout both of his battles has been nothing short of extraordinary, and it has only continued to grow through his most recent challenge.
After being in remission for three months, Luis started to feel normal again. He finally had the energy to do things that he was unable to do during chemo and most excitingly, his hair was beginning to grow back again. These old feelings that Luis had temporarily forgotten due to the harsh reality of his treatment came to a stop in November when Luis was told that his cancer returned in his lungs. Luis has started his third battle against osteosarcoma (bone cancer) and he is currently on three different chemotherapies. There are not enough words to describe how proud I am of the amazing man that has come about as a result of this incredibly tough challenge. I am lucky enough to say that I have been able to witness this beautiful process first hand. Lu (I know you're reading this) please never forget how proud of I am of you. You have taught me to face trials with a thankful spirit and to smile in the face of hardship, I love you.
I am writing this blog from Houston, Texas! This afternoon mom and I arrived in Houston and we have started my six month check up process. I am very confident and I have an overwhelming feeling in my bones that tomorrow we are going to be told that I am cancer free! I long to hear the words "We will see you in another six months McKendree. Go out and celebrate for you have not overcome cancer once, but twice". Tomorrow my day is jam-packed with testing, ultrasounds, scans, and meetings with all of my doctors. We are hoping to have the results by the end of the day tomorrow and I will post as soon as we hear any news. If you remember, please say a quick prayer for the doctors and that the LORD will provide them with great knowledge as they view my images. LORD give them your eyes and the capability to detect anything that does not belong in my body. LORD grant us peace tomorrow as we anxiously wait for the results. Remove any past memories that may be flowing through our minds and replace them with sweet thoughts of your mercy and faithfulness. LORD be with Luis and take away any pain, both emotionally and physically, that he may be experiencing. We will wait for your healing, but in the meantime please give us patience to keep our faith. Thank you LORD for our unique opportunity to grow closer to you. We praise you for our trials!
Thank you everyone for the prayers for me and Luis. We are so thankful for the overwhelming love that we have received over the past few months! May the LORD be glorified through all of our trials and may people be encouraged to fall deeper in love with our Savior.
Superman came to drop me off at the airport this morning! :)
My beautiful mommy and me on the plane