Tuesday, November 6, 2012

St. Jude Day

Good morning everyone! I am on my way to the hospital for some blood work and meetings with doctors. I will have blood work to check out my thyroid levels to see if the leftover thyroid tissue is decreasing on its own and to see how my body is reacting to the medicine. I will also meet with some doctors to try to figure out a surgery date and hopefully we will get an answer today! Please keep me in your prayers as I undergo my tests and also pray for all the other children at St. Jude with appointments today. I read this verse yesterday morning and it is so appropriate because it is very easy to get nervous or scared when I have appointments. The LORD never fails to reveal scripture at moments when we need it the most and what a great reminder that he is with us at all times. He is so faithful and such a WONDERFUL God I serve. Thank you everyone for the prayers and love and I will try to update as soon as we figure out the results!


  1. I think you need to make a video on Youtube about your journey.
    Best wishes and God bless!

  2. Your faith is an inspiration. Through all of this, you continue to work hard in school. Very impressive. I will continue to pray for you...
