Hello everyone! I hope that your day has been spectacularly wonderful! It is almost the big day... and the closer I get to my surgery the more excited I get. Excited? Yes, you heard me right and I'm guessing you are a little confused, so I will help clear some things up. This past year and a half has consisted of constantly going to the hospital for treatment, labs, check-ups, procedures, scans, tests, and so much more. So right now this surgery means that I will be one step closer to getting my health back and being the "old McKendree". Right now, due to the keloids forming under my scar, it is very painful for me to touch certain parts of my neck. The doctor will clean out the keloids in my neck which will make my pain go away. The pain did not begin to bother me until this summer when the keloids continued to grow even after my treatment of injections into the scar. Thankfully I have the option to get this taken care of and I cannot wait to be able to touch my neck without pain! I am very excited for the surgery because of so many reasons but at the same time I am scared. Surgery is never fun, starting at the waiting process and ending at the not so glamorous recovery. It is also not fun to be reminded of the way I felt after my first surgery. As I get closer to Friday, I am filled with feelings of fear and worry. As these feelings swim around in my head it is very easy to lose sight of the big picture. The LORD is in control and I am the first to admit that it is so easy to forget that his plan is so much greater than the plan I have for myself. He is concerned about every detail of our life and through the trials he is blessing us with, he is slowly molding us into the people we were designed to be. Everyone faces trails, they may come at different times, but a trial is still a trial and it is equally difficult. It is okay to be scared and just because you are scared does not mean that the LORD does not hear your prayers. He is there walking along side you through every decision you make and every challenge each day brings. And the best part is that on the days we doubt his plan, he continues to reluctantly pursue after us with open arms. We are loved by the King who died for us and has such a wonderful plan for each and every one of his children. Please keep me in your prayers tomorrow as I go to my appointments and consults. Pray that the LORD will fill me with his peace and that everything will go well. Thanks so much and I hope that everyone has a great rest of the night. Thank you everyone for their support and for keeping up with me!

This verse has been speaking to me a lot this week and it is such a wonderful reminder that I can turn to him in times of trouble and that I am cared for by the King of the universe. Nahum 1:7 I hope this verse can speak to you the way it has spoken to me!
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