"You are the Savior, you take brokenness aside, and make it beautiful."-"Brokenness Aside" by All Sons and Daughters. If I were to chose one word to describe how I have been feeling for the past three weeks, I would chose the word "broken". Starting with the most obvious, there was something in my body that was not supposed to be there, and I needed the doctors to restore my body to working order. I was broken and I needed to be fixed. In my last post I talked about the success of the surgery and how the doctors are extremely confident in that they were able to get rid of all of the disease. In order for the doctors to get rid of the disease, they had to remove over ninety of my lymph nodes. In addition to the ninety, I also had a few lymph nodes removed during my thyroidectomy back in 2011. If you are anything like I was a couple of weeks ago, you are familiar with lymph nodes but you are probably not extremely confident in their function. The lymph nodes act as a drainage system throughout the whole body and are responsible for getting rid of bacteria and activating the immune system. When one is missing a considerable amount of lymph nodes they soon become a candidate for a condition called lymphedema. Lymphedema can be triggered in many ways, like by constricting the affected area, carrying something over ten pounds, or even heat. Lymphedema causes extreme swelling due to the lack of lymph nodes and the lack of ability to drain fluid that has built up. This does not effect every single person that is missing lymph nodes, but since I do fit the criteria, I am going to have to keep an eye out for any signs of this condition. There are new rules that I have to follow and adjustments that I have to make, but this is my "new normal". I am working on learning how to make these adjustments and the LORD is for sure teaching me patience throughout this whole journey. Thankfully over the past week I have been taken completely off of my calcium and magnesium supplements, started to work on my range of motion, gone back to school, and I have even begun to drive again! It is the little things that I have taken for granted, but as I am slowly gaining them back I am overjoyed at the opportunity to return back to my previous state. Although sometimes we may not want to admit it, we are all broken. Maybe you are not battling cancer or any other disease, but you have your own challenges that you face. These trials can feel like stressful events that seem never-ending. In the midst of trial, it is so easy to lose sight of the glory that awaits us. For these light and momentary trials are not worth comparing with the eternal glory that is awaiting us (
2 Corinthians 4:16-18). I encourage and challenge you to fall in love with your trial. Stop viewing it with a weary mindset, but learn to love even your lowest moments. Trials are
beautiful and they are small gifts that the LORD so carefully plants in our life. We are allowed to learn how to live with these challenging conditions, which trains us to depend on our Savior. Our relationship with the LORD strengthens as we endure situations that are new to us. Even though our circumstances may change in the blink of an eye, one thing that always stays the same is the LORD's love for us and his yearning to grow closer to his children. For in these moments of "brokenness", you are being restored and renewed. You are being molded into the person that you were designed to be. So whatever your trial is, learn to love it and welcome it with open arms for it is an opportunity for you to glorify the LORD by choosing joy in the course of your hardship. Rejoice in your moments of "brokenness" because the LORD working through you and making you beautiful.

On August 19th, Luis and his family received wonderful news as the doctor viewed the results of his scans. His scans showed that all of the tumors in his lungs were dead and calcified! He is done with chemo and now he only has to go back to the hospital every three months for check-ups. I am really proud of him for not only going through one battle with cancer, but two... and beating cancer both times! Right not he is experiencing swelling in his legs and it is uncomfortable and painful, especially in his left leg that has the titanium rod. Please pray that the swelling will go down and that the pain will go away. Also please pray for his scans in November that they will show that his tumors are still dead. Pray that his cancer will never come back!
Celebration time! So thankful for your scan results Luis! :)
My Scar! Please pray that the keloids do not form again and cause pain like the last two scars. So far I have not seen any signs of keloids, praise God!
Hi McKendree! I was reading through a few of your posts and had a quick question about your blog. I was hoping you could email me back when you get the chance -emilywalsh688 (at) gmail.com- Thanks : )