Saturday, June 16, 2012

Isaiah 53, His unfailing mercy.

Hello everyone! I am still pretty tired from my exhausting week. Today I took two naps and they were much needed!! Because I took a nap today I started to feel a little better and I got to go out to dinner with some of my friends. It is such a blessing for St. Jude to be in Memphis because although I am still going to the hospital it is nice to be able to spend time with my friends. I am able to still go to school and church and I did not have to pack everything and move away to receive my treatment. I have so much respect for the families that drop everything and move to Memphis to take care of their sick children. When you are going through something like this it is always wonderful to have your support group very close to you. It is overwhelming enough to have a sick child but must be so much harder to have to fight this battle without your friends living right down the street. I love being able to do things with my friends because they honestly make me feel better. It is encouraging and really plays a big role in my "healing process" for me to be able to do things that I normally would do if I were not a patient at St. Jude. My friends are wonderful and they are so caring. I would not be able to go through this journey without them. Not going to lie going out with my friends does require a lot of energy so tomorrow I might have to repeat the "double nap routine". Last night my sweet friend Andre from St. Jude passed away and his last words were "I am talking to Jesus". Wow so powerful. This was the very first patient I ever met at St. Jude. He was an outstanding young man and his faith was contagious and encouraged everyone around him. He was always happy and although it is very sad that he is gone I know that he is running and dancing around Heaven free from this sinful world and free from all of his pain. He will be missed but I know he is in a better place. Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers through this extremely difficult time. They need prayers now more than ever. The doctor called today with my blood work results and he said that they were exceptionally good! They were better than he even expected! This is wonderful news and such a relief to me and my family. He said that he has not looked at the scans yet but it is a very good sign that my blood work results were very good. God is so great! The LORD truly hears all of our prayers and His mercy is unfailing. Isaiah 53 is such a wonderful picture of His never ending mercy for sinners like me. "But He was pierced for out transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed." Isaiah 53:5. Please continue to keep me in your prayers. The prayers I ask for this week are: my energy levels would come back quickly and would stay this way, that the LORD will place certain people in my life to minister to and encourage, and for the road I have ahead of me. Thank you everyone for your support and love!

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