Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy father's day!

Happy father's day to all of the wonderful dads out there! I hope everyone has had a wonderful day so far and made time to be with their family. I am still pretty worn out and very tired but just like yesterday I was able to take two naps today. When I say that I am tired it is almost misleading because I am not "sleepy tired" but I feel weak and do not have a lot of energy. I have been feeling like this for the past 11 months so it has become part of my life and I've learned how to use my energy in little bits to be able to make it through the day. I have my good days when I can go a whole day without even taking a nap but I do have bad days when I do not have enough energy to get out of bed. When I explain my tiredness to people the normal response is "I am so sorry that you are going through this" and in reality I would not take back this journey as a thyroid cancer patient for anything. It has taught me to depend on the LORD for strength. He mades me weak so that He can be strong in me. Give Me Faith- Elevation Worship <---This is one of my favorite songs because of its line "I may be weak, but Your spirit is strong in me." I listen to this song a couple times a day because it is such a wonderful reminder that I am broken but the LORD picks me up every time I fall down. His love for his children is unfailing and he never leaves us. This morning I was able to get up and go to church. It is always wonderful to see my church family and catch up with everyone. The sermon this morning was about God's love (1 John 3:1-3) and it was exactly what I needed to hear. It sounds like a pretty broad topic but it was so powerful and such a great reminder that I am a child of God and His love for me is never ending. Today is Father's Day and I celebrated it not only for my earthly father but also for my Heavenly Father. God has been so good to me and he has never left my side just like he promises in Deuteronomy 31:8.

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